from the loss of her job in New York, Sari comes home to Gramps
mountain-top farm near Montbleu only to find that he has been ill and
has high medical bills. Jake, the man who worked their quarry, is
using Gramps debts to try to buy the farm for a pittance. Sari vows
to help Gamps save the farm.
the jail, Police Chief, Chess Devon, is waiting for her Deputy, Lance
Andrews, to take over prisoner duty. Flinty Mathews, the town drunk,
is in for drunk and disorderly. Chess thinks he’ll sleep it off
until she hears screams from the cell block. She thinks Flinty is
having DTs, but when Lance comes into the area and nearly passes out,
she isn’t so sure.
on schedule, Bartlett Thomas, Chief of Detectives from Scranton,
shows up. He has even more bad news. The governor has gotten word
that a group of environmentalists plan to blow up a gas well. It
could be one near Montbleu.
Research for the Novel
When I decided to
have a ghost as one of the characters in my novel, Quarry, I asked my
friends, Beth and Anna, to give me a taste of ghost hunting. We live
in a town founded in the 1800s that has it's share of ghost stories.
The best places in town to find ghosts are the cemetery and fire house. Anna and Beth have done ghost hunting in both locations, but
we opted for a different local, my house.
The main part of my
house was built in 1825. The ownership is fairly well documented in
local histories so we know there have been several deaths there over
the years. I wasn't completely sure I wanted to find out whether I
was living with ghosts, besides I really didn't believe we'd find
Anna and Beth
arrived at my house in the evening with the usual paraphernalia for
ghost hunting: a digital recorder to capture electronic voice
phenomena, EVPs. a digital camera, and a small device to measure
electromagnetic radiation.
When I showed them
around the house, Anna, who is the most sensitive, felt that the
parlor was the place to start. She sensed that a person had been laid
out there, and the people around the coffin were sad. So we set up in
the parlor.

While Beth was
asking questions, Anna was taking pictures. When she reviewed the
pictures she'd captured, she said, “Wow, look at this,” and
passed me the camera. I was stunned. The picture showed me sitting on
the sofa. Two orbs were just above my head in a darkened spot. Orbs
are supposed to be a manifestation of spirits. Not all the other
pictures showed orbs, but there were several in the photo of Beth
asking questions. We also took photos in the attic, and those showed

It was a productive
evening of research. I guess there is some sort of paranormal
activity in the house. Thankfully, they are friendly ghosts. They
don't bother us, so I don't mind sharing the house with them.
Excerpt Showing the Use of the Research
had barely unlocked the door to the old jail when she heard voices
coming up the path. Bartlett opened the door and five people filed
in. Tory and Andy led the way followed by a short pale couple. Sari,
looking frightened, was last. Chess thought the ghostbusters looked
as much like ghosts as the phenomena they tracked.
drew the couple forward. “Chess, Bartlett, I want you to meet
Martha and Howie Collins.”
extended her hand; Bartlett followed suite. “Thank you for coming,”
she said. “I don't know if we have ghosts, but some rather strange
things have happened.”
and Martha shook hands. They stayed close together as though drawing
support from each other. Chess wondered if they were brother and
sister rather than husband and wife.
often don't find evidence of actual paranormal phenomena . . . er
ghosts. Many times there are perfectly logical explanations for
what's happening, but sometimes . . .” Howie grinned broadly. “We
do find evidence of spirits.”
had some unusual cases,” Martha said.
eager to hear what you do.” Chess gestured toward the long table
against the windows. “Why don't we sit here and you can tell us
what to expect.”
With a
scraping of chairs on the old wooden floor, they seated themselves
around the table. Chess looked around. “Lash isn't here yet.”
are we waiting for?” Howie asked.
deputy, Lash Andrews.” Chess glanced at her watch. “Let's get
started anyway. We're working a case, and he may have gotten held
up.” She looked at Howie. “So how do you go about tracking
“As I
said, we try to take a scientific approach to looking for spirits.
Many times there are logical explanations.” He paused to look at
each of the people seated around the table. “Sometime people hear
what they think are chains rattling at night. We've found more than
once that the sound was caused by pipes in the house, particularly
those houses that use hot water heat. Under the right conditions they
can expand and contract at night causing strange noises. Lights that
go on and off can be caused by faulty electricity. Windows and doors
that open and close by themselves can be caused by the breeze from an
open window.”
broke in. “Once we found a door that opened itself because the
floor was slanted. Most of these phenomena appear, as you would
expect, in older houses.”
that's why people immediately think of ghosts.” said Howie.
all makes sense.” Chess said. “So how do you figure out what's
make a careful evaluation of the physical aspects; looking for loose
wires, faulty plumbing, that sort of thing.” Howie gestured at the
walls and ceiling. “If nothing appears to be wrong then we start
looking for paranormal explanations.”
how do you do that?” Bartlett, who had been sitting with his chair
tilted back, leaned forward. The front legs snapped against the
jumped. She gave a slight laugh and covered her mouth. “I guess I'm
nervous expecting ghosts.”
all right.” Martha patted her hand.”I still get nervous on some
of our cases.”
have several techniques.” Howie said. “Probably the easiest is to
use an audio recording device. Ghosts will often respond to questions
or say things you can't hear with your ears, but come out quite
clearly on the device.”
seems simple.” Chess said.
call these Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP for short.” Howie laid
a digital recorder on the table. “I'll take this recorder in with
us when we examine the cell block where these manifestations are
occurring. It's easy to do and we may get a hit.”
Bartlett picked it up. “This looks like the kind of recorder we use
for dictation or to make notes during an investigation.”
sure it's the same. These little voice activated recorders work
extremely well.”
laid the device down. “If we have a criminal, he should be right a
home having his statement recorded.”
the ghost is from the 1800's, I don't think so.” Chess frowned at
shrugged. “You never know who or what's in there.”
laid a small digital camera on the table. “We also use digital
cameras to try to get a picture of the phenomena.”
you ever get a picture of a ghost?” Chess asked.
a picture of a person. Usually our pictures look like smoke, a bright
spot, or a series of bright spots.”
how do you know they're ghosts?”
don't, but if we have EVP and electromagnetic radiation we can be
fairly confident it's some sort of paranormal phenomena.”
do you measure electromagnetic radiation?” Bartlett asked.
laid another device on the table. “This is a fairly simple device
to measure electromagnetic radiation. It was designed to detect the
presence of computers and other electronic signatures, but we can use
it to detect paranormal activity.”
leaned forward to study the device. “This all sounds pretty
try to use as many modalities as we can to detect paranormal
disturbances.” Howie said. “Usually, if there are some, we can
find them.”
Andy scribbled in his notebook. “This is really interesting stuff.
Hope you don't mind if I do an article on it for the Tribune.”
at all. It's good publicity for us. This is an old town. There may be
lots of paranormal phenomena.”
more ghosts. Do you really think so?”
possible.” Howie held up a cautionary hand. “I'm not even sure we
have an entity here.”
are we waiting for?” Andy looked longingly at the devices spread on
the table. “I want to see what we get.”
quite so fast. Tonight we wanted to meet with you, tell you about our
investigation, but we also want to hear about what you're
experiencing, and whether there are any historical reasons for it.”
said, “It's easy to explain what happened, but I don't know if we
have anything but an old drunk and my deputy, who'd been working too
tell us about it,” Martha said.
had Flinty Matthews locked up in back. He was in for drunk and
disorderly. I was going to let him sleep it off and then take him
home.” Chess rubbed her index finger along the wood grain of the
table. “I was sitting out here waiting for Lash to check in when
Flinty started screaming that he was being attacked. I thought he was
probably having DTs. I went back to see what was going on. When Lash
came, he walked into the cells area. Before he'd gone very far, he
doubled over and practically fell on the floor.” She looked toward
the door. “I wish he was here. He could tell you what he felt. I
thought it might be a lack of food. He hadn't eaten that day, but I
suppose the ghost or whatever's in there could have been the
a fairly complex phenomena.” Howie massaged his cheek. “Did any
of you see anything?”
said he saw a ball of light in the corner of his cell. I thought it
was just the DTs, but . . .” She spread her hands. “I suppose it
could have been something else.”
sounds like you may have a demonic entity.” Howie looked from one
to the other. “Good entities don't attack people. Did anything
happen here in the jail that could have resulted in a demonic entity
coming to reside here? Any murders? Things like that?”
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