Wang wants to be a rich man, but as the son of a poor farmer what chance does he have? The Eternals know magic. Wang believes that if he can learn magic, he can become rich and powerful. The story traces Wang through his adventures: finding the temple of the Eternals, becoming an apprentice, and after a year, feeling the work is too hard for his objective of becoming rich. The climax of the story puts these elements together to show how Wang develops and his heart finally shows it's goodness.
I enjoyed the tale. The characters and setting draw you in. I particularly liked the illustration of the dragon on the cover. The writing is clear. Children should have no trouble reading the story for themselves. The author provides activity suggestions and questions for use in a group situation. I also enjoyed the historical appendix that discusses the Ming dynasty and how the Chinese lived in that era.
I highly recommend this book. It makes an excellent selection for group discussion.
Author Bio: Karen Cioffi is an author, ghostwriter, and freelance writer. For writing and marketing information visit http://karencioffiwritingandmarketing.com/
and sign up for her free newsletter, A Writer’s World. To find out where you can get a copy of Walking Through Walls click on the link:http://walkingthroughwalls-kcioffi.blogspot.com
Karen Cioffi is an author and ghostwriter. Her new MG/YA fantasy book, Walking Through Walls, is based on an ancient Chinese tale.
The book will be available through online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and book stores by July 15th.
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