One way to get an idea for a novel is
to resurrect a short story with good characters and an intriguing
plot and take it further. I did this recently, and after a struggle,
I was pleased with the result.
The short story was one of the first
I'd written. A stay-at-home wife worries that her husband is having
an affair with his administrative assistant. When wedding rings fall
out of his pocket, she thinks they're her anniversary present, it
means he loves her. But they belong to his administrative assistant.
She finds this out in the middle of a party. Believing that this is
confirmation of the affair, she turns and walks out on him. I like
this short story. It showed a woman who had been subservient to her
husband, and lost her own identity in the process, getting her spunk

The novelette was all right, but it
didn't have much vitality. I still liked the main character and I
particularly liked the new characters I invented for the Las Vegas
scenes. I put the novelette away for awhile and then decided to
expand it once more to a full 60,000+ word novel.
Typically, I write romantic suspense so
I brought in a mystery. Now the woman finds a huge yellow diamond
ring in her husband's pocket. When she gets to Las Vegas, the diamond
turns up in suspicious circumstances, and there's a mystery to solve
as well as a wedding to plan.
The lessons I drew from the following
- If you have strong characters you like, don't give up on them just because the short story or novelette doesn't quite work.
- When you expand into a novel, use as much of the plot as makes sense. This may mean throwing out some of your favorite scenes, but they may no longer be relevant in the longer work.
- Do a careful job of expanding the plot. This isn't as easy as it seems. It took me at least ten tries to make the ending mesh with the beginning. I'm finally happy with it.
Turning a short story into a novel
isn't necessarily quick or easy, but it can be rewarding, if you're
able to save the lives of some of your favorite characters.
The Yellow Diamond Caper is now
available from Amazon.